Convert flv files to use in premier pro
Convert flv files to use in premier pro

Then the second pass is done according to the findings of the first pass.

convert flv files to use in premier pro convert flv files to use in premier pro

With two-pass, the encoder makes a pass over the content to analyze and see which areas need to have a higher bitrate allocated to them. Two-pass can improve quality, but I think that the improvement is overrated by many people. 2.5 should be fine for most material, and higher settings (which can slow down rendering significantly) should be reserved for problematic content. But in most cases it should be able to find those things without needing to take all of the allowed time. A simplified explanation is that this setting works on a threshold basis, telling the encoder how far to look for certain things it needs to find. In many cases a quality setting of 2.5 will give the same results as a higher setting. For technical information about the MPEG format, see this MPEG General FAQ.See also the thread “ PPro 1.5 mpeg encoding errors ”.


  • See the C:\Program Files\Adobe\Premiere Pro x.x\ReadMe file for important information about MPEG encoding.
  • Other software can also adversely affect Premiere Pro's ability to edit MPEG files.
  • If you absolutely must use an MPEG file in your project you can either convert the MPEG file to a suitable AVI file with one of the many free utilities available from or you can buy a third-party plugin like “MPEG Pro” available from MainConcept.
  • convert flv files to use in premier pro

    Some people experience no problem editing MPEG clips in Premiere Pro, while others are not so fortunate.

  • MPEG is a delivery format and was not designed for editing.

  • Convert flv files to use in premier pro